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GOVT. REGD. NO: 170948/074/075 | TOURISM NO.: 2377/074

Mera peak and island peak

Peak Climbing in Nepal

Peak Climbing in Nepal is profoundly open, which means it requires next to zero understanding. In any case, one advises that you get readied for the excursion as it tends to be strenuous some of the time. While the undeniable model for top ascending is Mt Everest, Nepal has more than 1310 mountain peaks of which 33% are open for mountaineering undertakings. In these pinnacles, you will see a high commonness of trekking tops running in the tallness 5587 m to 6500 m which is available to any fit work force. The extents and accessibility of numerous tops in the nation make Nepal a Country neighborly for both experienced climbers and beginners. Littler pinnacles just require a limited quantity of gear for the trip, be that as it may, the entirety of this will be educated by our workforce.

On the off chance that you endeavor your pinnacle moving with us, have confidence that your experience will be sheltered and all around educated. Our staff individuals will willingly volunteer to assist you with climbing these landmarks by instructing you on how you should utilize your equipment’s, what desires to hold all through the excursion so you are educated when you settle on the choice to move up. A portion of these pinnacles you could appreciate incorporate Mt Cholatse, Mt Lobuche West, and Mt. Larke peak Climbing among the other mainstream ones. 

Peak Climbing in Nepal

Trekking in Nepal is a remarkable encounter on all levels. The opportunity to climb through the world’s tallest pinnacles while seeing unfathomable natural life, visiting socially various towns and single mountain religious communities is simply part of this astonishing experience. Many decide to add a pinnacle move to their trek to truly upgrade their experiences with the Himalayan Mountains. In Nepal, there are huge numbers of what are classified “trekking tops”. These are summits running from 5000 to 7000 meters and are for the most part non-specialized in nature.

This implies they require little else than being fit as a fiddle. Practically these trekking pinnacles will make them use rope, ice hatchet, crampons, and other essential mountaineering gear, yet for the greater part of these pinnacles, you don’t require earlier mountaineering experience. Pinnacle ascending bundle offers a very much prepared and experienced mountain manual to show the best possible use and treatment of rigging and lead you to your ideal summit Everest locales

is situated in Hinku valley of Khumbu locale which invites trekkers and climbers everywhere throughout the world during the harvest time and spring seasons as it’s the best time to climb Mera peak. A significant number of the well known treks will have these tops as a choice to add on. For instance 

Can be gotten through the Everest Base Camp Trek This trek will bear the cost of you great perspectives on Nuptse, Lhotse, Makalu, Baruntse, and even Amadablam in this district, another acclaimed top Lobuche East Pinnacle climb Or, in the event that you have constrained time, Yala Top, in the renowned trekking territory of Langtang, gives you the most obvious opportunity to ascend a mountain in the Himalayas with restricted time and constrained mountaineering experience.

You will discover there are numerous such trekking tops accessible either as the fundamental objective of your experience or as an awesome expansion to an as of now trek-of-a-lifetime. With a quality trekking organization, you will get an opportunity to climb a summit in the Himalayan Range with an emphasis on fun, and regard for security.

Best Climbing peak in Nepal

Mera peak Climbing

Lobuche peak climbing

Saribung peak climbing

Naya khang peak climbing

Island peak climbing

Yala peak climbing

Chulu west peak climbing

pisang peak climbing

pachermo peak climbing


 peak Climbing in Nepal

The majority of the mountain climbers does this excursion by means of Zatrwa La (Chhatra La)  Pass which is the fastest method to get the opportunity to complete this outing. Be that as it may, we trek into the mountain by means of a more drawn out course, which gives better acclimatization. This likewise takes you off the beaten track and inundated the trekker into nearby culture along the way. We have structured our Mera peak agenda in an expert way with flawless acclimatization and possibility days.

You will be carrying all of your gear and share some of the cluster gear. Keeping your pack light is important, so choose light-weight clothing and equipment. Be sure to have a range of clothing suitable for all conditions. Sudden change of weather may require layering of clothing. Three layers will meet your needs. Avoid cotton or fabrics that do not maintain heat cold. Comfortable durable wool or  proven fabrics that breathe and expel sweat lends itself to an additional pleasant experience.  

We will offer complimentary water and windproof duffle bags that you will use on your trek, the bag carried by porters. Your bags or suitcase leave in hotel with your non trekking requirements at our office or your hotel and you can collect them after you return from your trip. 

All equipment, such as base camp tents, room, accessories, climbing rope, ice screws, snow bar and ice hammer is provided by Great Panorama Treks and Expedition (P.) Ltd.

 Peak Climbing Gear

  • Alpine Climbing harness- Instrumental square measured essential for the climb with leg loops that match other clothing and equipment.
  • 2 protection carabiners -the large ,pear-shaped ring is the best, ice crew gate sort counseled.
  • 3 regular carabiners. Lightweight: BD hotwire square measure counseled.
  • Ice ax W/ leash. Light weight ( Gravel Air School, diamond Raven, or Charlet Moser Snow.
  • Trekking pole- adjustable below 5,7 use 60cm 62 use 65cmover 6’2use 70cm.
  • Mountaineering crampons compatible.
  • Good Crampons.
  • Belay/ rappel device (figure eight preferred. 

For Climbing and Trekking

  •  Backpack (measure relies upon regardless of whether you have to carry
  •  Hiking boots* (break them in already)
  • Camp shoes (your reward in the wake of a monotonous day)
  • Wool socks (bring a couple of sets of fluctuating thickness)
  • Lightweight trekking pants
  • Trekking shorts
  • T-Shirts (lightweight fleece is awesome)
  • Long clothing/Fleece thermals
  • Sweater
  • Fleece jacket
  • Waterproof coat and jeans
  • Heavyweight pants for high heights (additionally useful for camp)
  • Heavy down coat (can be leased in Kathmandu)
  • Winter cap
  • Winter glove

Trekking and Climbing Accessories 

  •  Water filtration (pump, tablets, or Ste-ripen; bring from home)
  • Water bottles (no less than 3 liters add up to limit)
  •  Baseball top (the sun is solid at all heights)
  • Hiking posts (decrease the effect on your joints)
  •  Sunglasses (basic when you cross snow line)
  •  Headlight with additional batteries
  •  Reading materials (Fuel might be ideal)
  • Journal and pens
  • Camera with additional batteries
  •  Daypack (for your raincoat, snacks, camera, and so forth.)
  •  Heavy-obligation duffel bag (This we provide you for carrying porter)
  • Gators (numerous individuals wear them yet they are not compulsory)

Individual Supplies for Peak climbing in Nepal

  • Sunscreen
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, antiperspirant, floss, and so on.)
  •  Biodegradable bar cleanser
  •  Face/body wipes
  •  Biodegradable washing fluid
  •  Throat tablets, lip demulcent
  •  Medications (Ibuprofen, others if essential)

Additional items

  •  Duct tape (settles pretty much everything, at any rate briefly. To abstain from conveying a whole move fold the coveted sum over a pencil)
  •  First help unit (with moleskin for rankles)
  •  Extra identification photographs and photocopies of your international ID

Good to know

Travel Insurance is essential for Trekking and peak Climbing and that ought to proffer you going to in excess of 20,000 ft. For security or emergency cleaning insurance that covers takeoff off of high elevations is compulsory. It is judicious that you have clearing out insurance – just in case of a setback or strangely, in view of surprising circumstances, the journey is drop.

Fitness and experience

For your own safety and success , we suggest you please do some exercise before you fly to Nepal like running, swimming and a few more modest trips to bring down tops which consolidate climbs that include the utilization of crampons. Be ready for outrageous openness and steep drop-offs and be fit for hauling around 30 lbs./15 kilos. On the off chance that conceivable, get an involvement with specialized rock and mountaineering moving to plan for your journey and move to Island Peak. Be known all about utilizing other climbing gear, for example, jumar ascenders, crampons, and ropes.

There are many climbing peaks we will organize you all this that peak if you are interest to climb and want to try once in your lifetime we are your best choice and that we.